quinta-feira, 18 de março de 2010

French Participation in Saratoga

Burgoyne wanted to divide the americans and new england, so he attacked the americans on October 7th, at the Battle of Bemis Heights. During this attack, some British defenses collapsed and so, Burgoyne and his men had no choice but to surrender (they surrendered on Oct. 17). Word of this event travelled all the way to the French who gladly participated during these battles as an American ally. The French had also been providing ammunition/guns, supplies, and the de Valliere (a type of gun) was an essential weapon in this battle. When the French became involved in this, the battle became more of a global quarrel.

The french decided to participate in the battle of saratoga because Benjamin Franklin (sent by the Continental Congress) and some other men went to negociate a coalition with the french. At this time, the French still held a grudge against the Brittish (because of their lost of territorry to them during the French and Indian War). When the americans won the battle of saratoga, the French were convinced that the Americans took their fight for independence seriously and that a alliance might come in handy in the future.

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