quinta-feira, 18 de março de 2010

General John Burgoyne

General John Burgoyne was a Brittish army officer, who made his mark in many historic battles. He participated in the Seven Years War, also know more commonly at the French and Indian war. Burgoyne also served as a member of parliament, and was a highly educated man. He was a successfull playwright, which among his pieces include "The Heiress" and "The Maid of the Oaks". Burgoyne eloped with Lady Charlotte Stanley in 1743, and had 4 children with his mistress, Susan Caufield.
General John Burgoyne is held responsible for the capture of Fort Ticonderoga, during the battle of Saratoga. He was originally sent to Albany, to capture the rebelious and finish the fighting, but lost. He found himself surrounded and outnumbered though he had a 6,000 men army. He had to negotiate his expedition home with General Horatio Gates, but many of his men were held prisoners. Burgoyne was forced to surrender on October 17, 1777, and faced prejudice and critcism back in Brittain. He was never again comander after the occurence.

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